DiSC facilitation activities to energize fall training season
It's fall in the Northern Hemisphere, which is a season of learning at many organizations. Whether you're introducing Everything DiSC to a new group or creating long-term culture change on established teams, we've got facilitation ideas for you. These activities can help deepen learners' understanding of DiSC concepts and how they apply to the real world and real work.
When facilitating, your own DiSC style can show up in your pace, energy, and approach to group activities. See tips for facilitators with D styles,i styles,S styles, and C styles.
Facilitation kits and training aids
Each Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors® profile has an accompanying facilitation kit to help you hit the ground running. We also have supplemental training aids to increase learner engagement. Shop facilitation kits and training aids »
🙋 Featured FAQ 🙋
Q: Are DiSC® profiles accurate?
A: When you're talking about Everything DiSC assessments—yes! Assessment takers give Everything DiSC a 90% accuracy rating. They also have a 97% satisfaction rating from companies. Everything DiSC tools are used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, cultivate collaboration, build soft skills, and boost productivity in the workplace.
Because the DISC model itself is not copyrighted, there are many DISC tests on the market. We're speaking only for Everything DiSC. You can find research reports on the Everything DiSC methodology at the bottom of our Science behind DiSC page »
Below: An excerpt from the Everything DiSC Research Report showing results of internal consistency validation.
📅 Upcoming online events
Catalyst™ webinar Wednesday, October 2 at 12 p.m. and Tuesday, October 8 at 10 a.m. Central Time
Discover the features available in Catalyst and see the platform in action. Understand how to get your learners set up in the platform and discuss any questions you have with one of our DiSC experts. Register here »